Friday 5/11 Our goal is to 'Cross our Wake' today - that is crossing over the same stretch of water where we began our Loop almost a year ago. We need to time our transit of the East River and its Hell Gate to depart the Battery 2 hours after low tide. We calculated a 12:30 departure from Great Kills and approached NY City from the south. We were blessed with clear conditions and calm seas (outside of boat wakes) and the interactions with commercial traffic were all logical and manageable. Approaching the Verrazono Bridge and NYC NYC We passed right by the famed Statue of Liberty and then CROSSED OUR WAKE! at the Battery - New York City @ 2:55 pm. . . Exact location where we crossed our wake Tim captured it a picture of our wake crossing on the chartplotter Now we need to pass through Hell Gate. Our last time through one year ago we passed through at slack water. We are now going with the current whic...