We are often asked if we will do this trip again. I think a better question is whether we are glad we did it the first time. Our response is a resounding yes. We really enjoyed the planning and boat selection leading up to the trip. It became a shared interest, a hobby. The trip exceeded our expectations. Every day for a year was part of our adventure. We were challenged by the task and blessed by the experience. We are very grateful for everyone that helped us along the way. It's a big list that ranges from family, co-workers that covered our lives in our absence from home and work, to Loopers, the AGCLA, and many others we met along the way. To all of you - THANK YOU. We wish Millie could really tell us what she thought about her Great Loop. She made it really easy to have her along. Dogs have stereophonic nostrils whereby they can really pick up deep nuances of scents. I suspect she'd say she smelled so...